Authority, Order, and Motivation

We have removed the study entitled “Authority, Order, and Motivation” because we have grown to understand that it was teaching false doctrine about church authority. This false teaching led to legalistic rules and regulations that created a violent cultish environment. We have come to see this was contrary to God’s description of how the local church is to function (Luke 22:24-27).

The essence of disobedience is the denial of the order imposed on us by just authority.  The just authority is God Himself and those duly appointed by Him to order our life.  (AOM, pg. 1)

Remember,  the purpose of authority in the Church is to direct the movement of saints,  judge issues to maintain order, and restore peace in areas where contentions have arisen. (AOM, pg. 19)

My prayer: That this study brings glory to Christ and His doctrine by:
1. Helping saints understand and deal effectively with deception in their own lives and the lives of other saints
2. Helping those saints in authority be courageous in dealing with contentions in an orderly and timely manner
3. Protecting saints, especially, those young in the faith, from the wiles of the devil by resting under God‑ordained authority during conflicts
4. Promoting the unity of the spirit by keeping the bond of peace in our assemblies.
Robert D. Harrison, Jr.
July 1996 (AOM, pg. 25)

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