Daily marriage devotionals for growing Christian marriages

Daily marriage devotionals for growing godly marriages

These daily marriage devotionals are compiled from verses that we have shared with Christian couples in many counseling sessions over many years. Please read one per day and meditate on how it applies to your marriage. (Note: if you are not certain you are a Christian, please read The Sinner’s Prayer) If you miss one, two, or many days, don’t Continue reading Daily marriage devotionals for growing Christian marriages

Leave and cleave

husband leave and cleave from birth family to marriage family

God commands man to leave his family and cleave to his wife One of the great mysteries in the Bible is how God created man and woman. After God had created man from the dust of the ground, he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7 KJV) Then he created Eve Continue reading Leave and cleave

Godly ways to resolve conflict

How does Conflict Start? Conflict doesn’t start in a vacuum. There is always history. Usually twisted and piled. Resolving these conflicts can be like pulling a strand from a pile of tangled rusty barbed wire. It won’t end well for anyone. Everyone will be bloodied. Unless God… Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by his good Continue reading Godly ways to resolve conflict

A hedge of protection from God

God offers a hedge of protection around you, your house, and everything you have, which even Satan cannot cross

If you are a Christian seeking guidance and protection in your life, you may have heard of the phrase “hedge of protection.” This phrase is a common prayer used by many believers to ask God for His protection over themselves, their families, and loved ones. The idea of the hedge of protection comes from the Bible, where it is mentioned Continue reading A hedge of protection from God

Leadership responsibility of godly husbands

Let’s start with a really bad example of leadership. Adam was given a responsibility in the Garden of Eden. But, when the time came to answer for sin, he abdicated his leadership and blamed the problem on his wife. I don’t know how much he knew would happen as a result of his one sin of disobedience, but it should Continue reading Leadership responsibility of godly husbands