Mankind has divided and conquered! God is not impressed.

When Jesus prayed for you

The struggle of mankind’s divided plans versus God’s unified plans has affected history for thousands of years and it is affecting us today. The church is God’s creation and workmanship. It is eternal in nature and too big to become the exclusive province of one group of partisans. It should not be divided. Why not be big and wise enough Continue reading Mankind has divided and conquered! God is not impressed.

What is a root of bitterness?

The teaching of Hebrews 12:15 is much broader than just the emotion of bitterness… Hebrews 12:1 “…let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…” Hebrews 12:14-17 Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord. Continue reading What is a root of bitterness?

All the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes

Let’s consider a verse that is often used to justify dictatorial over-lording in Christian fellowships. The reasoning goes something like this: when there were no humans to control them, these people did whatever was right in their own eyes, so you need to submit to those humans that are over you in the Lord or else you will fall into the Continue reading All the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes

What is the Old Testament?

It is natural to assume the Old Testament is the first half of the Bible from Genesis to Malachi, but that’s not quite right. The Old Testament is a conditional contractual promise between God and the Jews. It is also known as: The Old Covenant, The First Covenant, The Ten Commandment Law (although that’s really just a part of the Continue reading What is the Old Testament?

7 reasons the church will not go through the tribulation

The rapture versus the great tribulation has been a very divisive subject for many years because men have bent and twisted the scriptures to support their personal doctrines. I do not want to bend or twist them any way so I am going to quote passages and leave the teaching to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The key is Continue reading 7 reasons the church will not go through the tribulation