Guidelines for Rebuking Sin

Guidelines for rebuking sin like Jesus with hope and compassion to guide people back to the principles of love, justice, and mercy

Learning from examples of Jesus rebuking sin The way Jesus addressed sin offers profound lessons for Christians on rebuking sin both within themselves and in their communities. His approach combines uncompromising truth with deep compassion, providing a model that balances justice with grace. Here are some key lessons: Compassion is Central: Jesus always engaged with sinners from a place of Continue reading Guidelines for Rebuking Sin

Cultivating a Heart of Hospitality

Cultivating hospitality helps believers demonstrate tangible expressions of God’s love to live out Jesus' command to love our neighbors as ourselves

Cultivating hospitality is deeply rooted in Scripture and embodies the essence of living out the Gospel. It is a tangible expression of God’s love through us, a means by which we can demonstrate the grace, compassion, and open-heartedness that Jesus Himself showed to all He encountered. Cultivating hospitality is not merely about offering a meal or a place to stay; Continue reading Cultivating a Heart of Hospitality

The Gift of Hospitality

Those endowed with the gift of hospitality are equipped with special abilities that reflect God's heart in profound ways.

The distinction between the commands to be hospitable, as found in verses like Romans 12:13, and the gift of hospitality, referenced in the context of spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, is both nuanced and profound within the Christian faith. Understanding this distinction helps believers appreciate the multifaceted ways God equips His church to serve and love others. The Commands Continue reading The Gift of Hospitality

Essential Skills and Competencies for Leading a Small Group

Small group of Christians meeting together for Bible study, fellowship, and mutual support.

This is an ongoing Bible study research project that started when I was challenged to help develop a class that trains group members to become group leaders. As I started to plan the study, I realized I needed a list of required competencies to tailor the training and evaluate the candidates. But as I researched the subject and talked to Continue reading Essential Skills and Competencies for Leading a Small Group

Every Believer is Called to Serve

Each person is called to serve in various capacities, using their unique gifts for the edification of the church body and the glory of God. This service is characterized by selflessness, humility, and a focus on the needs of others, mirroring the example of Jesus Christ. 

Every believer is called to serve others within the body of Christ. This calling is not just for a select few but for each one of us, as members of the church. This service is rooted in love, humility, and the acknowledgment of the gifts (“charismata”) given to us by the Holy Spirit. This study aims to inspire and challenge Continue reading Every Believer is Called to Serve