Does anything surprise God?

Does anything surprise God?

No, God cannot be surprised, His creation cannot surprise him. You cannot surprise him. Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega (the beginning and the end). He is the creator of the universe. Nothing ever surprises him. He planned salvation before the creation of the world (Rev 13:8) He knew you before you were born (Isa 44:24) He ordained Continue reading Does anything surprise God?

Jesus wants to be your friend

If you show me your friends, I will tell you who you are, and I will show you your future. It’s an old expression that has stood the test of time. What kind of friends do you have? Good friends, bad friends, helpful friends, needy friends, loving friends, hurtful friends. How would you like to have God for a personal Continue reading Jesus wants to be your friend

Don’t let the devil steal the seed from your heart

Don’t let the devil steal the righteous seed from your heart

Jesus often ministered in parables to explain the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. He spoke plain words and simple truths in ways that people could understand if they wanted. And Satan watched and listened to see how he could steal the seed from their heart. There is lots of seed being sown today. because many people have returned to Continue reading Don’t let the devil steal the seed from your heart

Spiritual adultery against a jealous God

What can we learn from these 2 accounts of spiritual adultery? How can we keep from committing spiritual adultery ourselves? This is important because one of the names of God, which describes his character, is “Jealous.” He is Almighty God and doesn’t like having second place. After all the amazing victories God gave to Gideon. the fifth judge of Israel Continue reading Spiritual adultery against a jealous God

Jesus Christ is knocking at your door, will you answer?

“Knocking on the door” is a nearly universal request for entrance. The verb “to knock” is an active action, not a passive position, like waiting around for you to come outside. The verb “to knock” is a respectful request, not a fearful force, like breaking down the door and barging in. This request for entrance into the center of your Continue reading Jesus Christ is knocking at your door, will you answer?