7 things that changed the world forever

7 things that changed the world forever

When we look around at us on the earth, we see things as they are today. Has it changed? It’s tempting to think everything has always been this way. Have we always had sickness, pestilence, and disease? Have the oceans, mountains, forests, and deserts always looked like this? Have governments always fought each other for control of the people? Have Continue reading 7 things that changed the world forever

101 Verses that prove Jesus Christ is the Creator

I used to know an older man who made a daily habit of waking early to read the scriptures. During his reading, he had compiled a list of verses that prove Jesus Christ is the Creator. But I was young and foolish, so I never asked for the list. And now he is gone. Since then, I have worked on Continue reading 101 Verses that prove Jesus Christ is the Creator

Does God help those who help themselves?

Does “God helps those who help themselves?” Is it Bible verse, or a Bible proverb, or a Bible teaching, or a Biblical principle? No, this is not found in the Bible. The saying sounds practical and has the ring of authority, so many people cling to it as a truism. Although no one really knows where the phrase originated, it Continue reading Does God help those who help themselves?

Biblical Steganography (the gospel hidden in plain sight)

Steganography has been widely used for centuries, but it has recently become more commonly used to conceal information within computer files for electronic communication. Interestingly, the first example of steganography was actually done by God as recorded in the Bible. What can be known about God is clear to them because he has made it clear to them. As a result, Continue reading Biblical Steganography (the gospel hidden in plain sight)

Whosoever will may come

The universal call of “whosoever will” is the most amazing aspect of the gospel of salvation. This “whosoever will” includes you. It includes everyone and anyone. No one has ever been excluded, and no one ever will be excluded. God’s universal call to whosoever will The gospel call has always been the same from Adam and Eve after they sinned, Continue reading Whosoever will may come