Scientists just proved the Noahic flood is scientifically possible

After decades of theorizing and searching, scientists are reporting that they’ve finally found a massive reservoir of water in the Earth’s mantle — a reservoir so vast that could fill the Earth’s oceans three times over. Once again, the Bible was way ahead of them scientifically, even though no one understood the concept… 12 “I, Wisdom, live together with good Continue reading Scientists just proved the Noahic flood is scientifically possible

Movie Review: God’s Not Dead

God’s Not Dead is a great conversation starter. I’m not the target demographic, so I won’t bore you with what I thought. The great thing about “God’s not dead” is it can start a conversation that can lead to something important. Josh’s classroom arguments are engrossing, thought-provoking and well-reasoned. On the plus side, Josh offers a well-stated argument for the existence Continue reading Movie Review: God’s Not Dead

Physicists just proved evolution is impossible

This is a very complicated article that I can’t reprint here due to copyright issues. Please forgive this brief summary. I hope it encourages you to read the original article and think about this for yourself. We have already concluded that believing in evolution and believing in creation are both faith-based. I can’t prove or disprove creation to you any more than you Continue reading Physicists just proved evolution is impossible

The surprising proof that evolution is faith-based

In this post, I don’t want to influence your opinion of evolution. I just want you to consider that evolution is faith-based. If you believe evolution is true, have you personally ever seen the proof? If you believe evolution is true because you trust someone, or because you trust some organization, or because you trust anything, that is faith. Because… Now faith is assurance Continue reading The surprising proof that evolution is faith-based

In the beginning God…

Do new Big Bang findings support the Bible? Dr. William Lane Craig says new discoveries are proof the scriptures are true. Here is what the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary, written in 1870 (before general relativity or modern cosmology) says… The Old Testament THE FIRST BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED GENESIS. Commentary by Robert Jamieson CHAPTER 1 Ge 1:1, 2. The Creation of Heaven Continue reading In the beginning God…