The perspective of a successful marriage

Couples who don't have this perspective almost never have a happy successful marriage. Couples who have this perspective almost always have a happy successful marriage. It's almost a miracle.

Couples who don’t have this perspective almost never have a happy successful marriage. Couples who do have this perspective almost always have a happy successful marriage. It’s almost a miracle! My wife and I have counseled many couples, who don’t have this perspective and refuse to learn this perspective, who will never have a happy successful marriage. But we have Continue reading The perspective of a successful marriage

Whose faith follow (Hebrews 13:7)

The Bible commands us to follow our leader's faith as they live it out in practical work of faith and labor of love.

The Bible says we should follow the faith of godly leaders. Therefore “who” we follow is important—what direction are they leading us? And “why” we follow them is even more important—what is our motivation and purpose? But “how” we follow them is the most important—will we reach the destination or barely begin the journey? Remember your leaders who taught you Continue reading Whose faith follow (Hebrews 13:7)

They left us because they were not of us (1 John 2:19)

Does 1 John 2:19 mean people that leave us are not saved?

Does 1 John 2:19 mean people that leave us are not saved? The interpretation of 1 John 2:19 has sparked debate among Christian groups, with some using the verse to label those who leave their local fellowship as unsaved and dangerous. This has led to the prohibition of fellowship, prayer, or even sharing meals with such individuals. However, it is Continue reading They left us because they were not of us (1 John 2:19)

Encourage one another to take courage be strong

Jesus often said, "Take courage be strong," using the Greek word tharséō — to be emboldened from within with unflinching courage. And he said we should encourage one another the same way.

Jesus often said, “Take courage be strong,” using the Greek word tharséō — to be emboldened from within with unflinching courage. And he said we should encourage one another the same way. Sometimes we need this more than ever. Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let Continue reading Encourage one another to take courage be strong

Godly ways to resolve conflict

How does Conflict Start? Conflict doesn’t start in a vacuum. There is always history. Usually twisted and piled. Resolving these conflicts can be like pulling a strand from a pile of tangled rusty barbed wire. It won’t end well for anyone. Everyone will be bloodied. Unless God… Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by his good Continue reading Godly ways to resolve conflict