3 secrets for raising successful children: nurture, admonition, without wrath

3 secrets for raising successful children

The 3 most important concepts in the Bible for raising happy, successful children are contained in this single verse. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (Eph 6:4 KJV) The implications are huge, so let’s look at how this relates to the gospel. Fathers are responsible Continue reading 3 secrets for raising successful children: nurture, admonition, without wrath



BREAKING NEWS!!!! JERUSALEM — Jesus Christ has been convicted of sin by heavenly tribunal and sentenced to death for the crimes. Followers desperately hoping for last minute reprieve. This is not fake news. This is not clickbait. This is the Bible truth. God didn’t make a deal, or pass some legislation, or negotiate a plea bargain, or work out a Continue reading JESUS CHRIST FOUND GUILTY OF SIN

101 Verses that prove Jesus Christ is the Creator

I used to know an older man who made a daily habit of waking early to read the scriptures. During his reading, he had compiled a list of verses that prove Jesus Christ is the Creator. But I was young and foolish, so I never asked for the list. And now he is gone. Since then, I have worked on Continue reading 101 Verses that prove Jesus Christ is the Creator

12 eyewitness accounts from men who saw God

How many eyewitness reports would you need to believe in Elvis Presley, George Washington, or King Arthur? Here are 12 eyewitness accounts from men who saw God over more than 2000 years (from Job’s argument with God before 2100 BC to John’s revelation in 95 AD). Not to mention Adam, Enoch, Noah, and Elijah who all saw God but didn’t write Continue reading 12 eyewitness accounts from men who saw God