Minimum Daily Requirement of Bible Reading

A minimum daily requirement of Bible reading will improve your walk with the Lord and impact those around you by building a legacy of faith for generations to come

Everything that is good for you has a minimum daily requirement. Consider air, water, food, sleep, etc. Yes, you can get too much of these. But it is vitally critical to get at least the minimum requirement. Or else you will die of suffocation, dehydration, starvation, or exhaustion. Did you know there is a minimum daily requirement for Bible reading? Continue reading Minimum Daily Requirement of Bible Reading

You missed the whole point of church

This man missed the whole point of church because he is frustrated that he heard the message before.

After church the other day, I asked some young people what they had learned from the message. But before they could respond, an older man interrupted by loudly complaining, “Nothing! I have heard that same message before.” And then he tried to shut me down by punctuating his rant with an invective, “Several times!” However, I didn’t want him to Continue reading You missed the whole point of church

Two pathways to hope (one is a cheat code for life)

Two profound pathways that lead us to hope: the school of hard knocks and learning from the footsteps of those who have gone before us.

The Word of God, ever alive and active, is an unending fountain of encouragement and instruction. Today, let us turn our hearts to understanding two profound pathways that lead us to hope: the school of hard knocks and learning from the footsteps of those who have gone before us. Both are illuminated for us in the book of Romans. 1. Continue reading Two pathways to hope (one is a cheat code for life)

Moving from confusion to peace, clarity, and wisdom through faith

Frustration is confusion leaving the mind just as pain is weakness leaving the body.

Frustration is confusion leaving the mind just as pain is weakness leaving the body. And confusion becomes peace, clarity, and wisdom through emotional, mental, and spiritual exercise; just as weakness becomes strength, endurance, and health through physical exercise. For God is not a God of confusion [akatastasia -: unsettled, unstable, by things being out of control] but of peace [eiréné Continue reading Moving from confusion to peace, clarity, and wisdom through faith

Are you ready for the upward calling?

It seems like any minute we will hear the trumpet sound of the upward calling from heaven and ascend to meet the Lord in the air

It seems like any minute we will hear the trumpet sound of the upward calling from heaven and ascend to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17) because we have never before been closer to the end times than we are now. But this is a Christian rapture. Are you ready? [Jesus] said to them, “You are from Continue reading Are you ready for the upward calling?