Godly ways to resolve conflict

How does Conflict Start? Conflict doesn’t start in a vacuum. There is always history. Usually twisted and piled. Resolving these conflicts can be like pulling a strand from a pile of tangled rusty barbed wire. It won’t end well for anyone. Everyone will be bloodied. Unless God… Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by his good Continue reading Godly ways to resolve conflict

Biblical doctrine of prosperity prayers

God wants you to be rich beyond your wildest dreams. He offers an abundant life overflowing with more than the bare necessities. But God doesn't measure your prosperity by your physical possessions or your financial wealth.

Promise of abundant prosperity God wants you to be rich beyond your wildest dreams. He offers an abundant life overflowing with more than the bare necessities. But God doesn’t measure your prosperity by your physical possessions or your financial wealth. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: (John 10:10 KJV) I came that Continue reading Biblical doctrine of prosperity prayers

Help for recovering from traumatic suffering

The God of peace can see your traumatic circumstance, and provide a way of escape that you may be able to bear it

Traumatic suffering usually causes a kind of tunnel vision that magnifies the trauma and keeps from revealing the path to recovery. But there is a way through the peace of God from the God of peace. He has gone through this traumatic path before you, so he can lead the way for you. These thoughts and verses were compiled over Continue reading Help for recovering from traumatic suffering

Joy to the world

The angel said to them, "Don't be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be to all the people. For there is born to you, this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

It might be hard to have joy this season. Epic plagues ravage the world. Natural disasters are destroying cities and killing scores. Governments threaten global and civil war in every country. Corporations and organizations have the power to steal and kill and destroy. Families are at war with each other, dragging up past hurts, and fighting over current events. How Continue reading Joy to the world

The sin of bitterness

Choose the joy of happiness and receive peace and contentment. Choose the sin of bitterness and receive pain that hurts everyone around.

What is the sin of bitterness? Just as happiness is a choice, bitterness is a choice. Choose the joy of happiness and receive peace and contentment. Choose the sin of bitterness and receive pain that hurts everyone around. How does it start? Where does it end? What is the cure? Bitterness starts in the heart Consider Simon the Sorcerer, who Continue reading The sin of bitterness