Ministry of restoration (restoring a right relationship with God)

As Christians share the ministry of reconciliation to the world, they need to remember the ministry of restoration for each other. This is the amazing message that God has already done the work through the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ to restore the relationship between you and God. If any of your sins have separated you from Continue reading Ministry of restoration (restoring a right relationship with God)

Does my help come from the hills?

The southwest corner of the temple mount

Some of the most beautiful messages of help are from the Songs of Ascents that pilgrims sang as they ascended up to Jerusalem and up the southern steps to the temple. Psalm 121 is one of the most famous ones that starts with the question, “Does my help come from the hills?” The answer is stunning, thrilling, and beyond awesome. Continue reading Does my help come from the hills?

7 Christlike behaviors we need to follow Jesus’s example

Christlike people follow Jesus’s example. Here are 7 things Jesus did for us that we need to do for others: love, live, die, intercede, forgive, restore, and encourage. Submit yourself to Jesus Christ and let him transform you into a Christlike person. God’s divine power has given us everything we need for life and for godliness. This power was given Continue reading 7 Christlike behaviors we need to follow Jesus’s example

Principles of intercession, interceding, and intercessory prayer

Intercession is the opposite of sin missing the mark of God's will. Intercession paints the word picture of guiding the believer to hit the bullseye of God's will

Intercession is different than supplications, prayers, thanksgivings, advocating, and mediating. It is the opposite of sin missing the mark of God’s will (The controversy of sin). Intercession paints the word picture of guiding the believer to hit the bullseye of God’s will. I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all Continue reading Principles of intercession, interceding, and intercessory prayer

Pray for president and all that are in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-7)

The Bible commands that we pray for kings and all that are in authority so we pray that God will bless our president and our nation for His glory.

We stand with Franklin Graham in a Special Day of Prayer for the President. The Bible explicitly tells us to pray for kings and all that are in authority, which includes presidents, governors, and even mayors. We believe our nation is at a crossroads, at a dangerous precipice. The only one who can fix our country’s problems is God Himself, Continue reading Pray for president and all that are in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-7)