Giving your best to the Lord

Giving our best to the LORD involves more than just material offerings; it encompasses the full devotion of our hearts and lives to God.

In our walk with Christ, we are called to give nothing less than our best to the Lord. This means giving our first fruits, our talents, and our readiness to His service. Let’s delve into the Scriptures to explore the significance of this giving and how it shapes our faith and discipleship. 1. Sacrifice the First Fruits to God The Continue reading Giving your best to the Lord

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name

“Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name” a model for how believers are to approach God, not just in prayer but in every aspect of their lives, seeking to honor His name in all they do

The Lord’s Prayer, as recorded in Matthew 6:9-13, begins with the invocation, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” This opening phrase is rich with theological significance and offers a profound entry point into understanding the nature of prayer, God’s character, and our relationship with Him. Let’s break down this phrase and connect it with Old Testament teachings, including Continue reading Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name

Essential Skills and Competencies for Leading a Small Group

Small group of Christians meeting together for Bible study, fellowship, and mutual support.

This is an ongoing Bible study research project that started when I was challenged to help develop a class that trains group members to become group leaders. As I started to plan the study, I realized I needed a list of required competencies to tailor the training and evaluate the candidates. But as I researched the subject and talked to Continue reading Essential Skills and Competencies for Leading a Small Group

Top 10 Most Important Things for Christians Today

What are the top ten answers to the question: What are the most important things for a Christian?

The ten most important things for Christians in the world today center on upholding the core tenets of faith, living out the teachings of Jesus Christ, and engaging with the world in a manner reflective of biblical principles. These aspects are deeply rooted in Scripture and underscore the importance of personal faith, ethical living, evangelism, and social engagement. Love God Continue reading Top 10 Most Important Things for Christians Today

Give us this day our daily bread

Give us this day our daily bread. We trust in God for our most basic needs. And we rely on God for our spiritual needs.

In the heart of the Lord’s Prayer, nestled within Matthew 6, is a phrase of profound simplicity and deep faith: “Give us this day our daily bread.” This request, small yet significant, teaches us much about our relationship with God and the nature of our daily walk with Him. Jesus begins this chapter with a caution against the practices of Continue reading Give us this day our daily bread