Ben Franklin’s Junto questions will improve your small group

Using Ben Franklin’s Junto style questions in a small group to encourage discussion and reflection on how we can honor God and live out our faith in practical ways

Franklin organized a group of friends to provide a structured form of mutual improvement. The group, initially composed of twelve members, called itself the Junto (from the Spanish word junta, or assembly). The members of the Junto were drawn from diverse occupations and backgrounds, but they all shared a spirit of inquiry and a desire to improve themselves, their community, Continue reading Ben Franklin’s Junto questions will improve your small group

Self-control versus outbursts of anger

Self-control is the opposite of outbursts of anger, as it involves the ability to control one's own emotions and behavior, while outbursts of anger is the act of expressing intense anger in a sudden and uncontrolled way.

In Galatians 5:19-23, Paul lists “self-control” as one of the “fruit of the Spirit” and “outbursts of anger” as one of the “works of the flesh.” The contrast between these two concepts is clear: self-control is a trait of those who have the Spirit of God within them, while outbursts of anger is a characteristic of those who are controlled Continue reading Self-control versus outbursts of anger

Daily marriage devotionals for growing Christian marriages

Daily marriage devotionals for growing godly marriages

These daily marriage devotionals are compiled from verses that we have shared with Christian couples in many counseling sessions over many years. Please read one per day and meditate on how it applies to your marriage. (Note: if you are not certain you are a Christian, please read The Sinner’s Prayer) If you miss one, two, or many days, don’t Continue reading Daily marriage devotionals for growing Christian marriages

Is this a post-Christian world?

A Christian living a post-world life in a post-Christian world

The irony is that it never was a Christian world Yes, this is a post-Christian world. But it never was a Christian world. It went from being a pre-Christian world to being a post-Christian world on one day almost 2000 years ago. Now when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all with one accord in one place. Suddenly Continue reading Is this a post-Christian world?

Leave and cleave

husband leave and cleave from birth family to marriage family

God commands man to leave his family and cleave to his wife One of the great mysteries in the Bible is how God created man and woman. After God had created man from the dust of the ground, he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7 KJV) Then he created Eve Continue reading Leave and cleave